ProjectSight – Quick Upload (Mobile)


This project aimed to provide users with a faster way to upload photos from their phones to the project. Previously, users had to scroll through tiles or open the hamburger menu to upload images. However, those using the mobile app are typically on construction sites, often on the move and engaging in conversations, so they need a quick and efficient process. The new design allows users to take a few snapshots and quickly upload them. The designs also had to align with Trimble’s existing brand standards.



I added a plus icon to the upper right corner of the screen, with 35px padding between the settings icon and the plus icon to prevent accidental taps. When the user taps the plus icon, a drawer (or action sheet) opens from the bottom, presenting various task options. This new feature enables the user to upload a photo in just two steps. Additionally, users can scroll down within the drawer to view other available action items.


When the user taps on "Upload," they can select photos from their gallery. They can edit the photos if needed and then tap "Done" to save their changes. A message will notify them that their edits have been saved and where to find their photos. The team and I decided to offer the user two options: they can either continue or select "Don't show me again." If the user chooses "Don't show me again," this message will not appear in the future for that user. After this, the user will be taken back to the homepage, and a toast notification will inform them whether the upload was successful or unsuccessful. I presented these designs to the product trio and the developers.